10 Men You Won't Believe Actually Exist

1. Yu Zhenhuan

Yu Zhenhuan is a Chinese man with a lot of body hair – in fact, it covers around 96% of his body, which means that he looks a little bit like a bear. But when Yu was first born, no one could ever have known that he would eventually grow up like this. Yu had hypertrichosis, which causes the hair growth to work double time. The condition is also called the werewolf disease, and it is believed that people in the past, unable to understand why a person was so hairy and different from anyone else, created the werewolf myth.

2. Chandra Bahadur Dangi

Chandra Bahadur Dangi was the shortest man in recorded history for whom there is irrefutable evidence, measuring 54.6 cm. Dangi was a primordial dwarf. He broke the record of Gul Mohammed, whose height was 57 cm. He was died at the age of 75.

3. Arlindo de Sousa

Arlindo de Souza has grown 29in biceps the biggest in Brazil. After injecting the filler into his body, where it causes appearance of swollen muscles. But even he admits it can cause dangerous infections. Some users have had their arms amputated. Others have died.

4. Tom Staniford

Tom Staniford is an English para-cyclist from Exeter. He was the 2011 National Para-Cycling Circuit Race Champion.However from staniford whose body is zero percent fat. Probably has a very different ideology. He is one of the eight people in the world who suffer from mdp meaning that he is unable to store fat under his skin. Tom has to eat every 15 minutes to survive and may enjoy other difficulties.

5. Leonid Stadnyk

Leonid Stepanovych Stadnyk was a Ukrainian man who allegedly stood at 8 feet 5 inches or 2.57 meters tall. His height became abnormal when he was aged 14, and a benign tumour in his brain caused a gland to continually secrete growth hormones - meaning he never stopped growing. At its worst his condition, known as giganticism, caused him to grow at the rate of roughly one foot every three years.

6. Patrick Doyle

This 53 year old American man is the heaviest man in the world weighing in at over 1,000 pounds. The former restaurant owner from Nebraska featured on the documentary. A half ton man at his worst condition he had not left his house or his bed for seven years and was so lenormous that his bedroom wall had to be cut out to extract him from his home.

7. Garry Turner

Garry Turner from the UK has a rare condition called ehlers-danlos syndrome which means he can stretch his skin more than the average human. He can stretch his stomach skin to around 16 centimeters and his neck skin to around eight centimeters. He claims that the extreme stretching doesn't hurt at all and enjoys showing his stretchiness to his friends and family.

8. Amoo Hadji

This 80 year-old man looks like a troll or maybe a creature from The Lord of the Rings. His skin is scaly, you can barely see his eyes and he smells to high heaven. The reason for this is simple, he doesn't have a skin disease or terrible condition: he has just refused to take a bath for sixty years. A Reddit user posted the gallery below. It's hard to believe this is a real human being.

9. Mohammad Kaleem

Life has never been easy for Mohammad Kaleem, the son of two working-class parents in eastern India. Born with a rare version of gigantism, the boy’s hands grew to an astonishing size, ultimately weighing twenty-eight pounds by the time Kaleem turned eight. This weight, coupled with palms measuring thirteen inches in length, earned the boy the title of “biggest hands in the world.”

10. Paul Karason

The man who shot to Internet fame several years ago after appearing on today to discuss a condition that permanently turned his skin a deep blue has died. Paul Karason was 62 when he passed away in a Washington hospital, where he was admitted after suffering a heart attack. He also had pneumonia and later suffered a severe stroke.