10 Oddest Couples In The World

1. Erika Eiffel married eiffel tower

After serving enlisted in the US Air Force, Erika entered the US Air Force Academy in 1993. In her first year she was sexually assaulted by another cadet, but thwarted the attack with a training sword. She was subsequently dismissed from the Academy with a personality disorder. "I really felt that the only way for me to sleep is if I was holding onto something, like my sword, because that was the one thing that protected me. And it just got worse," she said.

2. Sultan Kosen married Merve Dibo

Sultan Kösen is a Kurdish farmer in Turkey who holds the Guinness World Record for tallest living male at 251 centimetres. His growth resulted from a tumour affecting his pituitary gland. His stature is such that he must use crutches in order to walk.

3. Joelison and Evem

Love conquers all obstacles, and 1 meter in height difference is nothing.For Joelison and Evem, each kiss is a challenged. The 2.30m Brazilian giant met the love of his life when he was 28 years old. It might sound strange for a man of his stature to be shy, but Joelison spent most of his young years avoiding social contacts as much as possible.Evem started by being one of the many ordinary folks that admired Joelison. Soon enough, their friendship bloomed to love.

4. Maria, Paul and Peter

Just take a look at Maria and the two men with who she shares her life. The setup is unusual because it did not sparkle the expected rivalry and drama.The lover and the husband accept each other around the house and details what happens in the bedroom are kept private. Could this be the solution many desperate love triangles seek? Although heartbreaking for the children at first, they did learn to accept their mother’s inability to choose between the two men. You could see they are one big happy family now.

5. Amy Wolfe and 1001 Nacht

We are not talking nasty bedroom details here. Amy’s unusual love interest is a rollercoaster called 1001 Nachts (nights), for which she fell after riding a record 3,000 times. How is that even remotely possible? Scientists say “yes, ” and they even have a name for it – objectum sexuality. Amy was most likely a child that faced difficulties while trying to get along with the others, not to mention finding a romantic partner. The ride offered her thrills never experienced before, thus explaining the unnatural connexion.

6. Sanele and Helen

Look no further than Africa for the next couple that defies all taboos the modern world has regarding romantic relationships. Not only did the marriage was arranged and paid for, but it took place before the eyes of the real husband.
8-year-old Sanele married 61-year-old Helen in a ceremony that went by the book. The two exchanged rings and even shared a kiss, all under the eyes of Helen’s man.The boy wanted the ceremony to be a way of cherishing and pleasing his ancestors. Don’t even attempt to understand the backbone of this tradition. South Africans might have imported the white wedding ceremony, but their tribal beliefs still thrive.

7. Mangli and Sheru

This poor 18-year-old from Eastern India listened to the village elders and married a stray dog. What’s the explanation behind this strange and unusual human-canine union? The superstitious folks of rural India were convinced an evil spirit possessed young Mangli and that her first husband will get to suffer. Sheru’s role was to perform a cleansing and prepare her for a real marriage.Just imagine being a tourist visiting the village while the ceremony was well underway. Your gut feeling would be to run away as quick as possible and don’t look back. Or would you stay, hoping that a Bollywood-like scenario is seconds away from unfolding?

8. Sal9000 and Nene Anegasaki

One Japanese young man decided that having a flesh and bone girlfriend is too much of a hassle and also incompatible with his otaku lifestyle. When you spend most of the day playing games, the virtual world becomes an obvious place to seek meaningful interactions and romance. Sal9000 married Nene Anegasaki, a video game character he met while playing a dating simulation game called Love Plus. The awkward ceremony was broadcasted live and concluded with him kissing his Nintendo DS.

9. Paulo Gabriel da Silva Barros and Katyucia Hoshino

Paulo Gabriel da Silva Barros and Katyucia Hoshino made it to the Guinness Book of World Records as the shortest married couple.Dwarfism is a condition that typically sends people spiraling down into depression and hating the rest of the normal world. It was not the case here.The two met on social media and got off on the wrong foot. Paulo used cheap pick-up lines and probably put their similarity too much up front. However, it didn’t take long until love prevailed.

10. Jenna Bentley and Ben Brown

Pictures of Jenna Bentley and millionaire Ben Brown made headlines a couple of years ago when they first emerged on the Internet. People who struggle to find a reasonable explanation are being silly. It is legal for a gifted Playboy model to hang out with whoever she wants. Of course, it is love we are talking about here. The kind of love that conquers all differences and which is not shy to show itself to the world.